Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Because I Can, LX
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Because I Can, LIX
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 1:50 AM 2 comments
Because I Can,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Because I Can, LVIII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Because I Can,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I Hate Shooting Santa
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:58 AM 1 comments
Because I Can,
The Self-Assigned Life,
Monday, December 15, 2008
Because I Can, LVII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Because I Can, LVI
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Because I Can, LV
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:25 AM 3 comments
Because I Can,
The Self-Assigned Life,
Saturday, November 29, 2008
You Know You Want a Calender
It's almost a new year and that, of course, means you need a calender. Right? Yeah, you know I'm right. Well, as luck should have it. I was told a few weeks ago I apparently had a calender coming out. Okay, not totally accurate that last sentence but close enough.
Chicago Tap Theatre has for the second consecutive year given me the honor of producing the imagery for their yearly calender. It's a chance to get the calender you need, need, help support the arts, help support some really great dance, and hopefully get some imagery you'll enjoy all year long.
You can get the calender through their Lulu store, or at their upcoming Tidings of Tap performances (at UIC Dec 12th, 13th and 14th) and while you're their you can go see some excellent tap dancing. It's family friendly and you may even show up the night Dr. Taps and I go on stage and do the shim sham at the end (she promised she would if I would, I don't think she thought I would, enthusatically. That reminds me, I've got to learn how to do the shim sham).
So go get yourself a calender, and see a show, and say "Hi" while you're at it.
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Prints for Sale
Because I Can, LIV
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Because I Can, LIII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Because I Can, LII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Because I Can, LI
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Because I Can
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Because I Can, L
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Because I Can, XLIX
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Because I Can, XLVIII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Veteran's Day
I'm a proud American. I respect and honor the veterans of this nations armed forces for all their hard work and scarfices, now having said that....
I showed up to this Veteran's Day Ceremony at a local high school, I'm a few minutes late, nothing big though. First problem. One of the honored vets is on the floor having an obvious medical issue. He was there for a while, till the paramedics arrived. Everyone seemed pretty concerned about this, except the other vets his age, who seemed pretty unconcerned. I'm guessing they're used to seeing a man go down and get taken out by the paramedics, at some age this just becomes normal I'm guessing.
This vet really got my respect though when he was being wheeled out and waved goodbye to the cheering crowd. That's the way to take center stage.
I stayed, photographed the event, then realized something. The vets looked as horribly bored and uninterested in the event as the teens did. Sneaking in comments to their friends, paying no never mind to whatever it was that was happening.
Now I wonder, did the vet who got taken out by the paramedics just fake it to avoid the ceremony? If so, I bow to the maestro.
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Because I Can, XLVII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:13 AM 1 comments
Because I Can,
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Because I Can, XLVII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Because I Can, XLVI
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
No Plan Survives
No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.
- Field Marshall Helmuth Carl Bernard von MoltkeEvery few months I have to shoot a couple of months worth of magazine covers for our various parenting magazines. These shoots almost universally involve taking photos of kids, from newborns to about 10-year-olds. Kids...they bring a unique set of challenges.
Magazine covers need to pop more, need a extra over the inside images, and are worth, because they're the first thing anyone is going to see who might decide to pick-up our magazines. So we put in the extra work to make the photos work better. We rent studios, we scout locations.
So on Monday of last week I was supposed to shoot a cover, it fell apart due to rain. The idea was to have a very fall (the season) photo. We were thinking fall colors. Since the shoot fell apart and I was already at the location I figured I'd spend the time location scouting. (I had already planned two hours in before the original shoot to scout, but as the reschedule was for 8am, I figured I'd do it at that point in the rain because I wouldn't have time before the reschedule.)
So I go out, hunt locations with my assistant, look for good trees, take test shoots and notes. On Sunday the group of us get there, go to our location and start shooting. The trees have changed a bit, so there's some on the fly adapting, but that's normal. We shoot for about 3 minutes, make some changes, basically just get some test shots done, get ready to start again, and the subject, a 2-year-old girl, just falls apart. She's done. This is shockingly normal.At this point the other person from the office and I decided we needed a change of venue, namely some place where we would have something for the subject to play with. With kids, when in doubt, distract them from whatever is making them unhappy, usually by giving them something to play with. Actually, this works with adults also, but we won't talk about that.
We went over to the Children's Play Area. We found a spot, we went with it, we made it work. At the end of the day the hours of prep work amounted to 3 minutes and about 30 frames of return. I find that this actually about normal.
Which raises a question, why still do it?
It still surprises me how little the planning helps directly, and how much of a difference it makes. There is something about the planning process, it sorts the thoughts, it creates a structure, a framework to hang the rest of the shoot off of. It's like the steel framework of a building. It doesn't tell you what the final building will look like, but a good framework will is vital to building a strong building no matter what the final structure is.
The part of the process where we have meetings, it gets everybody on the same page, it gets ideas out there, and it gets communication started. Again, it creates a framework so when we start improvising we're improvising towards the same goal, improvising starting from the same page. And in the end, we get a better product the better prepared we are. I'm sure that the planning would be even more valuable if we had subjects that didn't bring a high level of unpredictability.
As it is, it makes all the difference in the world.
P.S. Oh, and if you wonder what I do when the child is crying. I check my exposure, look for new compositions, and laugh, sometimes to myself, sometimes out loud, and fidget some too.
P.P.S. And yeah, I like the later ones much better also.
P.P.P.S. And if anyone knows why blogger isn't pulling up the full resolution image and seems to be pulling a lower res version than what I'm giving it, I'd appreciate the help. I love Goggle, but sometimes they do some wacky things I don't get. These are tack sharp, or should be. Ugh.
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 9:07 PM 3 comments
Problems? What Problems?,
Because I Can, XLV
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Because I Can, XLIV
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Because I Can,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Doing It For Myself
I wish I could remember the number of times a photojournalist has told me to not focus on shooting for the office, for the paper and instead shoot what I want to shoot. I'm okay at this, not great, but okay.
So recently I acquired a phone with a camera and text messaging (my previous phone I bought around 99' and at that point was fancy because it was digital. This new phone will hereafter be referred to as the "iWife".) This has resulted in me texting all day long. It's like swapping notes in class.
Somehow in the mix of all this I got to talking to a friend who lives in the desert these days about fall colors, and started sending photos taken with my iWife of fall colors, and now other random things, mostly with greenery. Reminders of leaves.
The funny thing is about this, I tend to like more of the photos I take with my iWife than with my other cameras. There is something about doing it for someone, doing it for fun, doing it for myself which makes it more rewarding.
At first when I made those images I didn't put much work into them, point the iWife and push the button. As I've done it more I've started putting more effort into the images, why make a crappy image when I don't have to? Why isn't this photo for a friend as important as any other photo? Why isn't it more important?
It's fun. It's really out of my norm. It's not the kind of camera I like. It doesn't give me the control I like. No shutter speed, no ISO, no white balance, no place for me to decide, for me to decide anything and while that encourages laziness, there is no reason I need to be lazy about the images. No room to crop later. Just shoot it, and send it right from the phone. Imperfect everytime and the better for it.
Now, mind you, the photos don't have to fit a story or purpose like my stuff for the paper so they tend to be more "pretty pictures". They tend to be images that will mean something to me and my friend, nothing more, but in that, I think they mean more than a lot of the other images I make.
Kind of sad that all my work can't mean as much, but I'm proud that some of it does.
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 11:39 PM 4 comments
No Real Purpose,
So called thoughts
Because I Can, XLIII
All Contents Copyright Josh Hawkins Posted at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Because I Can,