Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another Day, Another Giant Lady Bug

Did a freelance job tonight, shooting a speaker at a podium. It ran a half hour long, so that was all I did, for an hour. Whatever, they're paying for me to be there, I'll be there and shoot what I can. Then the speaker's laptop battery started to die, he gave up on it. The computer went to the screen saver. Really, after an hour of photographing a guy talk (though his talk was quite interesting, it was on education. Did you know that shortly the country with the most English speakers will be China?) I just couldn't pass up a giant lady bug behind him.

It's the little jokes in life that make me happy. Attack of the Giant Lady Bugs!!! Quick, get the Sixty-foot Woman!!!


On a separate note, I'm not a fan of guides to being creative. I don't think they really exist, but their are things which can help. Anyway, this list I thought was good fodder for thought. I agree with most of it.

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