Monday, July 28, 2008

This Wednesday

So, what you got planned for Wednesday night? Watching reruns of American Idol? (I know you TiVoed it, don't deny it.) A rock-paper-scissors contest against your cat? (fyi - I actually have decent rock-paper-scissors stories, how sad.) Well, let me suggest to you....


Come celebrate the end of CTT's best season ever and help send us to NY for the New York Music Theatre Festival. We are the ONLY tap dance company invted to participate in the festival and the ONLY dance company from us represent!!

Wednesday, July 30th
The Spot at 4437 N. Broadway
8:30-10:00 open bar
9:00 Karaoke starts
Fabulous Raffle Prizes!

Guests are welcome/encouraged to stay after the open bar. $1 on every drink will go back to the company if they do! We also get $1 back on ever shot purchased during the event.

If you can't make it to the event but would still like to help us get to NY, you can make a tax deductible donation here by entering in an amount under "Support CTT" and clicking "Make a Donation":


Did you see the part where it said, "open bar"? I'll see ya there.

Ah, the Repetition of It All

I've been to this event, I think, 9 out of the last 10 years. Regardless of the exact number, it's a lot.

On one hand there is the sheer repetition of shooting the same things, year after year after year after year. In all likelihood you just end up with small variations on the same images year after year.

On the other hand there is a kind of lazy comfort, you can get your job done easily and quickly, and there is an opportunity from that to try some new things because once you're covered, why not ?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Things to Remember

I got to set-up the strobes more often. It just helps out so much sometimes. (I'm not saying it's a good photo, it is a business portrait after all, just that it would be so much worse without the additional lighting.)

Friday, July 25, 2008

I don't know

Some things in this world defy descripition, especially easy descripition. There are more things I want to say here than I know how to say, or even put into words. Hell, I don't think I can take a picture that can even start to describe my thoughts and feelings, much less encompass them.

At the end of the day, "I don't know" is a great statement, especially when you know it's all good. And you know what? I know it's all good, at least in this part of life, it's all good, so good. And it makes me happy, peaceful.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Because I Can, XXIX

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Because I Can, XXVIII

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Because I Can, XXVII

Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Day on the Job, III

Because I Can, XXVI

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Nature of Time

Editing photos is an interesting exploration. Sometimes it's very easy, often it is. Softball, get the ball in the damn frame, get some action, whatever, move on. Not very tough. This is true with most of my "work" imagery. It's easy, it's easy because I largely don't care in all likelihood.

Tonight was a bit different though. Tonight I was, did, deal with, only start to edit, the first review really, some images I had been emotionally, mentally, preparing for for months. Tonight I dealt with images I feared.

Over the past six months I've been working on a project, a wonderful project, a project I love, but a project which has created some great images through some moments I would never give up having witnessed and hope to never experience again.

A few months back a pretty major event occurred, and I was privileged enough to be able to document it. During the process I reviewed a few of the images on the back of the camera, some portraits, and they stopped me in my tracks, in my head at least. I kept shooting, kept working, kept doing what I needed to do. But in my memory were those portraits. I couldn't not have them in my head, rolling around. I wanted them gone.

What she choose to share, the images haunted me, her generosity, kindness and openness amazed, still amaze, me. I couldn't deal with the images, and I knew it. This has never happened to me before. Through the months of hard images, this had never happened. So tonight, over three months later, I knew I needed to deal with them. I knew the images were images that needed to be dealt with, edited, but I've just been afraid to look at them. I've been afraid of what they mean, what they mean to me, and afraid to "re-live", afraid of being reminded of that time, and most of all, those images, I knew they would just hit me, hit me hard.

I opened them, and scanned them for maybe 10 seconds, then I had to walk away. Luckily, happily, while that was happening, a friend called (thanks Ya Looblue, you have SuperStar timing) and I was able to talk through some of it, and be distracted, get happy again, before getting back to editing.

Editing through them wasn't a long process in the end, but I still want to block those images from my memory. Hopefully they'll help and effect some other people some day, today, no matter how happy I am that those image exist, how honored I am to have been allowed to make them, today I want to forget those images exist.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Where's Josh?

Yeah, I've disappeared, I may stay disappeared for a while. Life is just busy. Good busy. Lots of biking, I'm hoping to add lots of kayaking, lots of living, which means less time to talk about living. I'm good with this, quite frankly.

You want to know much more? Drop me a line, drop me an email, or better yet, let's go hang out, get out, and enjoy life. I'm around, I'll just be around this particular locale less for a while. Later.

(having said that, watch, I'll update every day for next month. Isn't that just how it works?)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Because I Can, XXV

More from the Chicago Tap Theatre show. (Go see it.)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Celebratory Moment

I want to take a moment to celebrate my many amazing friends.

There is the Strange Tree Group, which comprises many wonderful friends. They have put together a show that is getting rave reviews left and right. Go see it, it's worth it. (I would also like to note a member of that social crowd, or two actually, who have agreed to legally become one. Rock on! She wouldn't answer me when I asked if she was pregnant. Hmmm...) (And for those who expressed an interested in going with me, I believe I'm going to go on the 10th, next Thursday.)

There is Chicago Tap Theatre who also has an awesome show up at the moment, also receiving high marks and reviews, as always for them. You should see their show also. Not to mention they are just incredibly kind and wonderful people. Really, just unnaturally nice. It disturbs me. (For those who asked, I'm going to try to be going this Saturday, but I'm not sure yet, of course.)

A friend who is about to leave for Texas to slack, I mean write poetry for three years. If I knew I could do that and call it grad school earlier I would've applied.

Another friend fighting back from surgery that stopped her work. She thinks she's more alone than she is, which sucks, but she fights hard all the same. She will win, at least I know she will. I also know someday she'll look at me and say, "Josh, you were right." But I know that is true with most of you.

A friend who is taking a chance and starting a band. Lawyer by day, tap dancer by night. My kind of person, good human being, and pushing the bounds of what can in any reality be considered reasonable. Good stuff.

Another who is going to get the results of an important test tomorrow afternoon. Cross your fingers.

A friend I mentioned a while back, Peter "George" Ksander, who recently won an Obie for scenic design. Apparently in the theater world this is really big, as I'm not in that world, umm...okay, rock on George.

A friend who is building/re-building her life after a really hard year. One of those times when it's not about winning awards, but just about being happy. It's truly amazing, and wonderful to watch. Love is beautiful, I've known that for a long time, but she has shown me that on a level that is difficult to appreciate, express, and fills me day after day.

A friend who is (I guess it should be a "they" but really, are his hormones going nuts? Nope, it's all about her) pregnant with her third. Cool stuff, though I'd never, ever, ever want to be pregnant, but I'm happy for her.

The list just keeps going and going and going. I can't even remember off the top of my head all the awesome things all my friends are pulling off these days. In the world of problems, what a great problem to have.

I really do have the best friends in this world. And I keep finding more. I guess I'm just greedy.