Sunday, April 20, 2008

Infra-Red (IR) Afternoon

As the weather was nothing short of gorgeous today, I figured I'd go for a bike ride. Ride the IPP (Illinois Praire Path) from Wheaton to Aurora and back. Would've helped if I had thrown my bike shoes in the car. Yes, along with all my other snobberies, I have clip-in shoes for my bike. I like them.

So, after a few minutes of pouting, yes, I pouted, I decided to go for a walk instead. The plan had been to bike, exercise and take some photos with the IR camera I got back in December but haven't had much chance to use yet. Slowing down gives you more time to look, walking is the best way to see your surroundings. Since I was walking, I shot a lot.

It was fun, relaxing. They're pointless pretty images, but they make me smile, and some of them are very Rorschach inkblot test. I know what I see, what do you see?

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