You can say many things about Mapplethorpe, and personally there is much of his work I don't think is artistically all that impressive. On the other hand, there is much of his work that I that I think is spectacular. The man could make a print that would make your mouth water just on the pure technical qualities. Don't believe me? See some of them, then see if you disagree with me.And if you think Mapplethorpe was only pictures of gay men, well, there are plenty of those, but his body of work is much more diverse and impressive than just the images that pissed off conservative Senators.
At the same event I got to view many Mapplethorpes, Artopolis, a gathering of hundreds of the worlds high end galleries, I also got to see some Salgados, Warhols, Greenburgs, some of the best and worst of modern art, "Ohhh....look....another painting in a single solid color, how innovative!!!" There seems to be something of an interesting movement to get 2d art to reflect and incorporate 3d art. Interesting trend.
An inspiring day.
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