Saturday, May 31, 2008

Because I Can, XXII


Ya Looblue said...

oh, god.


guildencrantz said...

Meaty. This photo makes me hungry.

Ya Looblue said...

I'm having JoshWithdrawl. Whatcha been up to?

Ya Looblue said...

the month of june feels left out. /snark

you love me. i know it.

Ya Looblue said...

holy crap. remind me to tell you a story about this audition today. holy shit. I, um, oh man. it was...something else. (not really in a good way...but at least it's a funny story). (not to worry, it mostly involves a lot of 'club girls' and me looking around and hearing "Whaaa Wuahwuahwuah" in my head)

I'd love to go to a non-aerialist non-actor party. know of any?? you can come with to insure that I don't say anything TOO stupid.